About - Gudmundur Bogason


[1] US Patent: US20040096076, US6975739 (US7058191), "Hearing aid with a radio frequency receiver"

[2] US Patent: US20040161120, US7340068, "Device and method for detecting wind noise"

[3] US Patent: US20130058495, "System and A Method For Streaming PDM Data From Or To At Least One Audio Component"

[4] US Patent: US20140177874, "Digital Microphone With Frequency Booster"


[1] G. Bogason, "Switched Current Micropower 4th Order Lowpass/Highpass Filter",
ESSCIRC`93 Proceedings, 19th European Solid-State Circuits Conference, pp. 170, September 1993

[2] G. Bogason, "Generation of a Neuron transfer Function and its Derivatives",
Electronics Letters, Volume 29 Issue 21, pp. 1867-1869, October 1993
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[3] T. Kaulberg and G. Bogason, "An Angle Detector based on Magnetic Sensing",
ISCAS`94 Proceedings, Volume 5, pp. 5.329-5.332, May/June 1994

[4] T. Kaulberg and G. Bogason, "A Digital, Volume Control for Hearing Aid Applications",
NORCHIP Proceedings, pp. 144-151, November 1994

[5] G. Bogason, "Switched Current 3rd order Sigma-Delta A/D Converter for Digital Audio",
Submittet to ISCAS`95, April 1995

[6] T. Kaulberg and G. Bogason, "Position detection with the use of MAGFETs",
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, pp. 158-???, April 1995

[7] Ivan H. H. Jørgensen, G. Bogason, and Erik Bruun, "A Neural Micro-Flow Estimator",
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, pp. 385-389, April 1995

[8] T. Kaulberg and G. Bogason, "A silicon potentiometer for hearing aids",
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Volume 9 , Issue 1, pp. 31-38, January 1996
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[9] Ivan H. H. Jørgensen and G. Bogason, "Design of a 3rd Order Micro Power Switched Current ΣΔ-Modulator",
ICECS '96, Volume 2, pp. 948-951, October 1996

[10] Ivan H. H. Jørgensen and G. Bogason, "A 3rd Order Low Power SI ΣΔ- A/D Converter for Voice Band Applications",
ISCAS '97, Volume 1, pp. 69-72, June 1997

[11] Ivan H. H. Jørgensen and G. Bogason, "Optimization and Design of a Low Power Switched Current A/D-ΣΔ-Modulator for Voice Band Applications",
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Volume 17 , Issue 3, pp. 221-247, November 1998
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[12] Ivan H. H. Jørgensen and G. Bogason, "Noise Analysis of Switched-Current Circuits",
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Volume 18 , Issue 1, pp. 69-77, January 1999
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Ph.D in Discrete Time Analog Signal Processing and ASIC Design

Title of thesis: Switched Current Circuits: Design, Optimization and Applications
University: Technical University of Denmark
Supervisor: Erik Bruun, Professor
Examiner: Tor Sverre Lande, Professor
Institue of DTU: Department of Information Technology
Study started: 01-09-1992
Degree awarded: 09-04-1996
Diploma: Page1 Page2
Thesis: Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 Part11

M.Sc in Electrical Engineering and ASIC Design

Title of thesis: Implementation of a 4th order Switched Current Lowpass/Highpass Filter
University: Technical University of Denmark
Supervisor: Erik Bruun, Professor
Institue of DTU: Electronics Institute
Study started: 01-09-1987
Degree awarded: 31-08-1992
Diploma: Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5